Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Fire & Ice at the Tallinn Winter Festival

It doesn't seem like a good combination but the show at the end of the Tallinn Winter Festival 2010 was spectacular. Skaters took to the ice, lit torches and then skated as fireworks were set off and, at the finale, pyres burst into flame. Brilliant and a perfect end to a wonderful winter event!

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Winter Festival Tallinn Estonia

Just a few of the snowmen seen at the Tallinn Winter Festival Janaury 30, 2010. Families were mostly responsible for these entries. The ice sculptures were more professional but lacked the charm, whimsy and soul of these. Frosty would be proud!

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Fashion Faux Pas Russian style

The PETA mantra of FUR IS DEAD hasn't gotten through to the Russian population in Estonia. These fur coats were seen on my way to the farmer's market at which housedresses of the sort shown below were featured. All qualify for a Glamour "DON'T" stamp!

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Prince and Pauper Cats Tallinn Style

The cats to the left live outside of cousin Epp's apartment. The tree limbs give them a perfect view into the window of a woman who regularly feeds them. I saw the cat on the right at the Tallinn winter festival. Yes, that is a fur collar on her coat. Her owner told me the cat started walking on a leash when she was 9 and she was now 12. You can't tell from this photo but the event was quite crowded but this cat feared no one!

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